Trap Series Shoot Guide

Guide to Series Shoots

SHOOT RAIN OR SHINE Eye & Ear Protection Required No open toed shoes or toe pads Appropriate dress, PLEASE!

Stuff you need to know!

There are six (6) California Youth Shooting Sports Association Trap Program Fun Shoot dates scheduled for this year.

The dates and locations are posted on our website, (click on the “Calendar” tab).

For many dates you will notice multiple locations. Your team will be assigned to a specific location by the CYSSA President.

The shoots are 100 targets, with each squad shooting 50 targets in the morning and 50 in the afternoon. The usual starting time is 9:00A.M. with clubs opening earlier for practice rounds. Each host club will post a flyer on the website Calendar page with the specifics for their location. Many serve breakfast. All have lunch (usually hamburgers) available.

Plan on bringing a chair, sunscreen etc. Teams often bring a por- table canopy to serve as a gathering point during the competition. The shoot will last until mid to late afternoon depending on shoot- offs. Be prepared to spend the whole day especially if your athlete is in the running for a medal. If you leave before the conclusion of the shoot, check the scores before you leave. Athletes might be in a shoot-off or may have already won a medal. Always check with your coach before leaving the shoot.

Understand that unsportsmanlike behavior on my part may result in me being asked to leave the area.”

Individual Athletes

Each athlete competes with others in his/her CYSSA division and category. For example, all varsity athletes compete against each other. Awards are presented to the first, second and third place finishers in each division and category. In the event of a tie, athletes shoot an additional round (25 targets) to determine the winner.

Shooter Recognition

In addition to a participation pin provided for each athlete by each host club, athletes who shoot their first 25 straight, 50 straight, 75 straight or 100 straight are awarded a CYSSA straight patch.

The High Five Team Competition

This is a season long competition between teams. After each shoot (split venue scores are combined) the top five scores for each team are totaled. The team with the highest score is awarded three points, second place team two and third place team one point.

In the event of a tie, points are divided among the teams. Standings (points earned and total targets) are maintained throughout the season. Based on the points earned, first, second and third place teams are presented awards at the state shoot. Total targets shot is the tie breaker

If your team represents a school, your Varsity and Junior Varsity shooters each compete for a high five award. If your team represents a gun club, the high five competitive divi- sions are the Overall Club (all divisions-categories) and the combined Intermediate and Rookie Division.


In an ideal world the shoot would work something like this….

The shoot flyer will contain information about submitting squads. Please do your best to submit squad information.


Coaches submit squads during the week prior to the shoot (see fly- er for specific due days). Squad numbers are assigned in a random order. The Event Coordinator assigns squads to specific traps. The Event Coordinator makes every effort to e-mail squad assignments and the shoot rotation to coaches by Friday evening. The coach collects shoot fees from his team and can make last minute substitutions/changes to his squads. The coach is the only person permitted in the office.


Athletes compete (by grade level) in one of three divisions:
Senior Division (Grades 9 – 12)
Intermediate Division (Grades 6 -8)
Rookie Division (Grade 5 & below)

The Senior and Intermediate divisions are each subdivided into two categories.

Within the Senior division, athletes compete as varsity or junior varsity shooters. Athletes in their first year in the Senior division are classified as “Junior Varsity.” Athletes with a minimum of one year experience in the Senior division are classified as “Varsity.”

Within the Intermediate division, athletes compete in the entry level or advanced category. Athletes in their first year in the In- termediate division are classified as “Entry Level”. Athletes with a minimum of one year experience in the Intermediate division are classified as “Advanced.”

Parents – Spectators

Spectators are not permitted on the trap field. If the host club has a fence, you must remain behind the fence. For clubs without a fence,you must remain behind the 27 yard line.

From the Sportsmanship Contract you signed: “I agree to stay off the shooting field. Any problems or criticisms will be presented in a positive way to the coaches or a designated assistant. I will refrain from criticizing other shooters, coaches, using abusive language, or consuming alcohol or drugs before or during all CYSSA activities that I attend. I understand that unsportsmanlike behavior on my part may result in me being asked to leave the area.”

Individual Athletes
Each athlete competes with others in his/her CYSSA division and category. For example, all varsity athletes compete against each other. Awards are presented to the first, second and third place finishers in each division and category. In the event of a tie, athletes shoot an additional round (25 targets) to determine the winner.

Shooter Recognition – In addition to a participation pin provided for each athlete by each host club, athletes who shoot their first 25 straight, 50 straight, 75 straight or 100 straight are awarded a CYSSA straight patch.

The High Five Team Competition – This is a season long competition between teams. After each shoot (split venue scores are combined) the top five scores for each team are totaled. The team with the highest score is awarded three points, second place team two and third place team one point.

In the event of a tie, points are divided among the teams. Standings (points earned and total targets) are maintained throughout the season. Based on the points earned, first, second and third place teams are presented awards at the state shoot. Total targets shot is the tie breaker

If your team represents a school, your Varsity and Junior Varsity shooters each compete for a high five award. If your team represents a gun club, the high five competitive divi- sions are the Overall Club (all divisions-categories) and the combined Intermediate and Rookie Division.

In an ideal world the shoot would work something like this….

The shoot flyer will contain information about submitting squads. Please do you best to submit squad information when requested by the host club.

Event Coordinator will assign squads based on your input. When there is a partial squad, your athletes may be combined with others from a different team to make a full squad.

The game plan is to e-mail squad assignments and the shoot rotation to you Friday evening.

When you arrive at the shoot and have organized your team, you may visit the office and make any necessary last minute changes. Please try to keep the changes to a minimum.

You will be provided with an updated roster and an invoice. Plan on paying by check after you are sure everyone is present.

Participation pins will be given to the Coaches for distribution to their Team members.