Pre Squad Form Trap

CYSSA Series Shoot – Pre Squad Form Trap


  1. Input your personal, team, & head coach information in the form below.
  2. Select the Shoot Location/Shoot Coordinator for the event location and appropriate date if available that you will be attending. 
  3. Enter your athletes and categories. 
  4. For the post category sections enter in the category names or abbreviations. Example:
    VR = Varsity 
    JV = Junior Varsity
    IA = Intermediate Advanced
    IE = Intermediate Entry Level
    RK = Rookie
    YA= Young Adult
  5. Press the ‘TAB’ key to jump the cursor to the next field.  Please give each squad a name such as a color, animal, number etc.  
  6. Add any “Special Requests” in the box provided, such as “Squad Early” etc. 
  7. then click the “Pre-Squading Complete” box which will take you to the bottom of the form. 
  8. Press the “Submit Pre-Squad Form” button. 

The form will clear when you hit the “Submit” button but don’t worry…go to your E-mail, the squads will be copied to the E-mail address you provided as well as to the Coordinator for your shoot. (Check your spam folder if it does not appear in your e-mail)

Note:  If you are having problems with the online form, you can click on  Pre Squad Editable Form   to download the Pre-Squad form and open it in Microsoft Word. Enter  a maximum of 5 athletes per squad for Trap. Type in your information, save the form to your desktop then attach it to an e-mail to the Coordinator for your location.  You will need to get the Coordinator’s e-mail address off of the flyer for your shoot location which can be found on the “Trap Calendar” page or look below.

Shoot Location/Shoot Coordinator E-mail:

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